Correlation of Thyroid Disorders with Body Mass Index in Patients presenting to BINOR Hospital, Bannu Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa Pakistan


  • Ambreena BS pathology (MLT), Bannu College of Medical Technologies, Bannu
  • Maryam Zeb Abbasi Nuclear Medicine Physician, BINOR Hospital, Bannu
  • Muhammad Shoaib Khan Professor of Biochemistry, Bannu medical College
  • Abdur Raouf Director, BINOR, Bannu


BMI, thyroid disorder, Pakistani population


Objective:  To investigate the correlation between thyroid disorders and body mass index and to see whether the association is significant in the Pakistani population or otherwise.

Methodology: The cross-sectional  was conducted in PAEC- BINOR Hospital, Bannu. Patients’ ages varied from 18 to 70 years. T3 FT4 and TSH were performed from the patients by the RIA technique, and BMI was calculated as per WHO standard criteria. Underweight (18.5), normal weight BMI (18.5–24.9), overweight BMI (25.0–29.9), and obese BMI (30.0 or higher) are the BMI cutoff values. Patients were classified into three categories; Hypothyroid, Hyperthyroid and Euthyroid on the basis of Thyroid function tests.

Results: Out of 200 subjects included in the study, 149 were females and 51 were males. Out of 200 participants, 77 (38.5%) individuals were categorized on the basis of thyroid function test reports into the hyperthyroid group, 53 (26.5%) were categorized as the hypothyroid group and 70 (35%) were categorised as Euthyroid group. Chi square test with each BMI categories showed significance association with thyroid disorders, p<0.005. The three categories of thyroid disorders were also separately correlated through Pearson’s correlation in which the hypothyroid group showed a significant positive correlation (p=<0.001, Hyperthyroid group showed significant negative correlation with p=<0.001 and the euthyroid group showed insignificant weak correlation with BMI. Thyroid hormones T3, FT4, TSH were also correlated with BMI by applying student T-test.

Conclusion: This study showed a significant correlation between thyroid disorders and body mass index, which indicates that obesity might be a risk factor for thyroid disorders. The hypothyroid group have a significant positive association with BMI, and hyperthyroid group has a negative correlation with BMI. In fact, there is no significant association between the euthyroid group and BMI. Thyroid hormones also show a significant correlation with BMI. TSH is positively correlated with BMI, while T3 and FT4 are negatively correlated with BMI.




How to Cite

Ambreena, Maryam Zeb Abbasi, Muhammad Shoaib Khan, & Abdur Raouf. (2021). Correlation of Thyroid Disorders with Body Mass Index in Patients presenting to BINOR Hospital, Bannu Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa Pakistan. BMC Journal of Medical Sciences, 2(2), 30–34. Retrieved from



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